Having Trouble Receiving Emails From CYL?

It has come to our attention that some of you may not be receiving emails sent out by CYL, due to user accounts not being fully activated. We believe that receiving these emails adds value to your overall experience with CYL and allows you to receive important information and updates.

We kindly request that you check to confirm that your account is fully activated on the CYL website. To do this, please:

1. Navigate to, and login at, the CYL website: https://www.colchesterlax.org/

2. Once logged-in, navigate to Account>Participants>Click on the player's/child’s name>Scroll to the bottom and click 'join' if that option is available (do NOT click 'Leave' if that option is there).

Note that the foregoing steps should be performed for each player/child that is enrolled under your account/login.

Furthermore, to the extent that multiple users (e.g., multiple parents or guardians) are associated with a given player/child, each such user should perform the foregoing steps under his/her own respective login.

Questions? – please email markwilinski@hotmail.com